Monday, September 29, 2008

Hi Zibri!!

I actually just wanted to respond to Z's remark about the only incentive for jailbreaking 2.0 or whatever version is capital at the time of Zi's timeframe if at all.

I for one have been using the Jailbreak for 1.1.4 for some time now and to be honest, perfectly honest if a site, host has an opportunity for me to leave a donation depending on whether or not i use the app or if it looks like something i will use, or i just genuinely like the person and embrass the body of work he/she has done outside of this specific app. Well I almost always leave a donation, i realize i don't have to and that makes it so very cool, because i don't have someone with their hand out telling me to pay them and they can use the application that they made by rearranging a whole lot of 1's and 0's to bring about this neat program. I feel Zibri is a man of great depth and i feel his comment was made without really considering the enormous amount of people who like me are willing to give a man/woman thier due. It's practical, I don't think people do this to get rich, if that is a by product of your work then praise be to God from whom all good things come, but really these people love to solve they love to write code and I speak for a whole world of people when i say that we don't want our phones jail broken so we can get free apps from the app store. We want them jail broken so that apple doesn't govern what our phone can and cannot do. The app store is a great thing, but were it not for Zibri's hard work i wonder if apple would have given it the position it has today. Are we afraid apple will go belly up because they lost a bit of revenue? Hardly, Apple should be giving the same option that the jail broken apps do and that is to give an opportunity for a donation to be made, You would be surprised at what some people find in their hearts how valuable something is and how easy it is to give one thousand dollars instead of ten. I encourage Zibri to continue his work and to fight the urge to allow himself to get boxed in. Apple can be very good at taking and giving and soon you look at everyone through a tainted set of peepers. Are there people who only want free apps? You bet there are and there are people who only wanted a free cup of coffee at Dennys, but that didn't stop the store next door from brewing up a pot of free coffee, some people are one dimensional and the only thing in their world is them, we can't do anything about it, but we can insure that thier position doesn't filter through and cause our worlds to become associated with theirs.

Thanks for listening/reading my rant and i do hope i was able to say what needed to be said in a very respectful yet honest way.

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